Songlog Stories
Sometimes I find myself lost in the musical flashbacks. Nothing fancy, just these everyday moments that breathe with nostalgia. Like the morning radio in the kitchen when my mom would prepare breakfast, me glued to mesmerizing music videos on MTV or Bravo TV, local dance floors that pulsed through the night. And oh man, those late-night solo sessions with 90s radio stations – just me and the music. Pretty routine stuff. But here’s the thing – these ordinary moments have rich, wild stories just sleeping under the surface.
It’s funny how my stories suddenly spring to life when some familiar melody sneaks up on me. And just like that, everything becomes so vivid and clear, not nearly as forgotten as I thought. These memories are just scattered across time like confetti, but each one is packed with emotions that somehow laugh in the face of time, pulling me right back to that exact moment.
These are simple moments perhaps, but they carry something precious. It’s like this perfect fleeting blip where sound meets experience – could be a vibe, faces, places, or just a feeling. And with that, nostalgia hits you and sticks around for a while trying to remind me that this experience shaped me. My music collection isn’t just a playlist – it’s this living, breathing archive of all my moments: the victories, the vulnerabilities, the growing pains. But the cool part? They all foster a sense of rediscovery.
Want to take a peek? Scroll through my stories log. Just grab your headphones, crank up the volume, and let the music be your guide. And hey, while you’re at it – could your own musical journey be waiting to be rediscovered? I bet you also have forgotten gems of moments hiding in your playlists.
Music imprints itself on the brain deeper than any other human experience. Music evokes emotion and emotion can bring with it memory. – Oliver Sacks
Alive Inside: A Story of Music and Memory | 2014